Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Dedicated To The 9/11 Victims & Their Families

I can't help but reflect on that horrific day in 2001. It has nothing to do with weight loss or this blog and I didn't lose anyone I knew on that day, but it certainly affected my life, how I perceive the world and it brought world politics to light for me. I read more, keep myself more informed with both biased and unbiased journalism (yes, I can tell the difference) and I am just more informed now. I'm able to make better decisions about my vote and how it will impact the future for my children and theirs...having said that, I don't want to get political here, so I will move on to what I have been up to.

I have stayed on plan, working hard to insure my weight loss doesn't stay as stagnant as it's been and I think I am succeeding, I've lost a pound...hey, that's something!! I'd rather lose a pound than gain it.

Once again, thanks to Peggy and all of our friends who comment. We were even awarded the Lovely Blog Award! Thank you, Misssarahlou! I am supposed to name 15 other blogs that I would like to pass on this award to, but I don't even have the time to keep up with or read that I will mention the ones I am most familiar with....

Low Carb Jane
Chubby Chick
Mama Bear June
Ginger Farnsworth

I've forgotten how to add the links to their pages, I'm sorry for this.
Have a great week and thank you for your comments.

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