Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Energized and ready!

Thanks, Sunny Girl, for keeping the blog going while I was gone.. and Congratulations on your weight loss!

I am back! I am energized and ready to keep going down this road to success. I missed being able to blog, but I surely did have a nice, relaxing vacation. The cruise was just great!

I have pictures of most of my meals which I will post on the meals page. My choices were great and the Disney chefs did excellent curtailing my meals to meet my requirements. I ate good protein and lots of dark green veggies and salads.

As I said in the last post, I did make the choice to have a 'few carbs' more than I normally would for 1 meal in Palo's fine dining restaurant. I will post the pictures of that meal as well. I had 1 roll, a small slice of pizza (which had a cracker crust), and a small desert. I did not overeat at all.

I actually lost 1 pound while on the cruise, which, IS A FIRST for me. Usually a cruise would net a 5 to 10 pound gain.

What was most exciting about this trip was my 'attitude'. Previous trips were all about what I couldn't do. I was too fat to walk far, to tired to do anything physical, to embarrassed to try to do certain things... This trip was all about what I could do. I could walk around the ship without feeling tired. I could go off the ship and into the port towns. I could fit in the dining room chairs, deck chairs and all the other places which were previously uncomfortable. Most of all, I wasn't constantly 'thinking' about how my weight was limiting my fun, because IT WASN'T limiting me, at all.

As I said in the post just as I was leaving... I had been preparing for this moment for 6 months, and let me tell you something.. it was well worth the work and effort! It was a fantastic feeling not to be limited, not one bit limited!

On the cruise we made some new friends, and also a new low-carber compatriot, who himself has lost a significant amount of weight. Thanks for joining our blog as a follower, Gene!

I will be doing some video montages of the trip over the next few weeks and posting them on the 'video blog' section of this blog.

I'm energized and ready for the next stretch! I will do a formal weigh-in at the end of the month. I am back to my 60 hour weeks tomorrow, but am going to grocery shop and go to the gym today. Thanks for your continued support and comments, all of you in our village of followers!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home! Your picture up there is so cool. You look like a new man. I cried while I read this blog. I know what the last cruise felt like for you, because I felt a lot of it myself. I am so glad that's behind us. I can't wait to see the pix and vid's....So glad you had the dream trip you knew it would be. *hugs*
