Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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All Good Things....

...must eventually come to an end!

First, Happy belated Birthday, Sunny Girl. I missed you, and am sorry I wasn't there to send the wishes in Monday!

We're back in port in Orlando, waiting to have breakfast and then disembark the Disney Magic ship. It has been a wonderful cruise! I got plenty of relaxation and am re-energized.

I'll be blogging and posting pictures within the next dew days.

I did excellent on plan while on the ship! I took pictures of almost all of my meals and will post them on the meals page.

I did decide to endulge (but not overendulge) at only ONE meal, which was celebrating our 15th anniversary. It was a concious decision which I do not regret one bit! After 6 months of no off plan decisions, it was nice to make the choice to have this celebration with no guilt. It WAS worth every bite, and I was right back on plan at the next meal, ready to go for another streatch down the road!

More when I get home!

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