Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Chillin' Today....

I am finally doing nothing.

I've been very busy celebrating my birthday with my incredible family and some wonderful friends, it began on Sunday and continued straight through to yesterday (my actual birthday was Monday ;)

To be surrounded by so much love was just heartwarming, the hugs alone were worth turning 50. Friends had me to mom took me to lunch and people stopped by, bearing gifts and birthday cakes, of which I had NONE! I had planned on having a piece before my birthday arrived, but I stayed true and feel so much better than I know I would have felt if I'd had it. I'm going to update my weight loss... it's now 3 more pounds lost!!! If would've had that cake, that would never have kudos to me! is chillin' time and I am doing just that. Been doodling around on the Internet and reading some blogs and thinking, "Wow, I am soooo not alone on this journey!" So many women and men are struggling with weight issues, and it's very comforting to know that we're in this together. Here's to more losses ;)!!!

Wish I was on that cruise with Don today....I think that's what I will ask for, for my 51st ... *smile*

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