Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


2010 is going to be a MILESTONE year!

Happy New Year everyone.

2010 is going to be a wonderful year. Because of what I was able to accomplish in 2009, I KNOW that I will reach my goals this year. Stay tuned and watch the excitement, watch it happen... watch me evolve!


  1. I'm watching ;) I can't wait to reach these will be an amazing ride and the results will be so worth the wait! Luv ya cous!

  2. 2010 will be the year of Don!! I will be thrilled if you lose half of what you lost in 2009. One hundred pounds in less than 10 months is an accomplishment few can claim. You are one of the few, so I think 50 pounds will come to you before you know it. You are so motivated for all the right reasons, I know you will succeed. Good luck in your continued journey. I for one am looking forward to reading your future blogs and sharing your journey. Peggy
