Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Workin' it..

I wasn't looking forward to my shake this morning (what I really wanted was a bagel with cream cheese) but I went ahead and drank it and realized I was feeling pretty good about it after all. Lots of water in between of course and my ever-present morning cup of coffee! For lunch, I had a two egg omelet with pesto paste and parm DELICIOSO!

I walked for 20 minutes on the treadmill today, not too bad for the first time in a long time. Gina and I worked out to some Lady Ga Ga tunes (Gotta love the Ga Ga Godess) and it was a lot more upbeat than listening to some exercise junky telling me to move my fat ass faster. Also, my ankle feels fine, which means I can stretch it to 30 minutes tomorrow and I'm excited about that.

I'm off to have dinner now and that will be some chicken wings in hot sauce, no breading or flour, and a healthy helping of salad...Not bad, not bad at all!

On My Way :)


  1. Well, it is about time. I was getting tired of logging on only to read your last post about your trip to the dentist. I need positive vibes, not negative. You did so well in 2009, and I know you can do the same (or better) in 2010! I think this dental issue can work in your favor. I have a friend who has had a similar issue with her teeth since early last year and she lost weight without even trying because of her eating limitations. I am glad you are back on your journey. Keep up the efforts with your workouts. I know you can do this. Welcome back. Glad to see I will have something new to read. Remember, I need positive. Peggy

  2. My life isn't always roses and rainbows and sometimes my blogs will reflect the negative side. Having said that, I should also add that I've never been more positive about this journey, and that's what matters most. Thanks for the continued support, I'll try to stay positive about all things Sunny ;) I'd hate to lose your support.....since you are a treasure.

  3. Great post Sunny.. and I loved the graphic. It sounds like you had a great day and great choices. Sorry I haven't blogged yet this week, I've been doing overtime again, but this should stop by the end of next week... Keep up the great work and congrats on the exercise.

  4. Hey...thanks, workin' it is definitely the way to go...Don't work too hard, you what they say about all work and no play ;)
