Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Mission Impossible?...

... probably not. I'm not having any success staying on my low carb plan, I just can't drink shakes and eat only foods that have to be sucked down instead of chewed, there needs to be a middle ground for me. So, I am eating things like tuna salad, and shakes...but I slip in some ice cream (the cold feels good and it's soooo comforting) oatmeal and applesauce...stuff like that.

I'll be back to this plan just as soon as my mouth heals and Don will be back in a couple of weeks, I spoke to him recently and he told me his schedule at work has been keeping him very busy.

Sometimes roads have detours, it takes longer to arrive at our destinations. The important thing is that we arrive.


  1. Hugs to you for not being able to do all the Low Carbing you want!
    Get well soon, eh?
    Hope you'll be back to normal in no time!

  2. This is a wise post.. you have to do what you have to do.. sometimes life gets in the way of our goals, but having the wisdom to see that the set-back is just temporary, will get you to the end. Thanks for inspiring me.

  3. When you get to feeling a little better, Sunshine Girl,
    I left a blog award for you over on my blog today!
