Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


☼Getting Creative...

...the fish and egg thing got to be too much - even for a day- so I got a little creative today and got some cauliflower, boiled it and drained it well, added Philly cream cheese and butter, salt, pepper and a dash of garlic powder and whipped it up. Yum. I also boiled some escarole and added chicken broth to make a low carb soup.

Shakes and tuna, eggs and veggies are my meals now and it's working.
I feel great being back on plan and it's only been two days. Imagine what two weeks will feel like.

Enjoy the evening, everyone.


  1. In two weeks, all that insulin should be well under control.
    Back to a state of happy ketosis.
    Keep on keeping on!

  2. Well, Sunny Girl ☼- how's it going?
    The Cream Cheese is also good with
    peanut butter and a little SF maple syrup!
    Holler back!

  3. It's not going so well, as you might have guessed and I have at least another month like this. I want to know where you find the motivation to stick to this once you've become so unstuck??? It's driving me mad.

  4. Sunny - the motivation comes from that place deep within, when you know you can't go least not on the path you were on before.
    Are you reading other people's blogs?
    That REALLY REALLY helped me carry through the rough times.

  5. I do read other's blogs, I just can't seem to stick with it. My teeth are definitely an issue...soft foods, easy to break up foods ARE CARB's impossible to eat low carb right now and I'm not going crazy, but even the slightest gain right now is just adding up week after's depressing!

  6. Wow! {cyber hugs to you}
    A patient I knew, had his jaw wired shut.
    And it was protein shakes, and the like, for 6 weeks.
    He came out skinny!
    Anyways, Sunny ☼ - Keep your chin up and try to not get depressed!
