Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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I Have a Question...

The pic has nothing to do with the question, I just love this pic of my Marley. :)

It was a busy morning...I was up at 5:45 and cooking eggs and bacon by 6:00. While standing/cooking I realized my ankle was sore, not the one I previously had problems with, but the other one.

I'm not sure if I should walk on it (on the treadmill tonight) to strengthen it or keep it up and stay out of action until the soreness goes away...any suggestions?


  1. RuPaul - did it skip or did I miss her?
    Cool blog! I'm gonna like getting to know ya'll!

  2. I don't know, but I just clicked it and it played...gotta love it!

  3. Hi and welcome anne h... gotta love the diva Ru... The player should work ok.

    Sunny... I would suggest wrapping it in an ace bandage and doing plenty of stretches before the walking!

  4. Thanks - and nice to "meet" you both!

    When I have an injury I just rest for a day or two. I am a wimp, yes!
    But also, I want to keep going - in the long-term, and remain "set-back" free for my LowCarb journey. For me, the risk of injury outweighs the reward of one more session!

  5. Nice to "meet" you too, Anne and I like the way you think! I actually did rest it, and it feels good today, so...maybe every other day is a good idea. Live and Learn ;)

    Don, I am stretching to warm up today, absolutely! Going to keep it "aced" as well!

    Thanks for the tips:)

  6. Sunny Girl - just checkin in -
    Sometimes, when it comes to work outs
    "better safe than sorry" seems to work for me, as well!
