Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


It's all good...

Hi constant readers...

It's all good today. I feel great that I have gotten back on the road to success. Yesterday was 100 percent on  plan, including the (Sorry for the tease Sunny)... Prime Rib Roast I cooked for dinner last night. All I have to say about that is OMG... YUMMY. If there was ever any question, I am definitely a meat eater. It was an 11 pound roast, so I'll be in the beef for the next few weeks.

I have great disposition today. I feel good to know that I am not giving-in to temptations, and that I have my goal in site. I am excited about the cruise we will be going on in September, and the thought that I'll be even thinner then.

So, life is good, I am good... and on PLAN!ife


  1. Yay for L!fe being good!
    Glad ya'll two are back at it.

  2. You are going to look great on that cruise.
    You'll need a new tux ;)!!

  3. Life is good. Enjoy that Prime Rib. It is important to prepare your meals for the week. I know you are working long hours and it is hard to get back on plan but I know you can do it. Take care of yourself. XOXO Peggy

  4. Sounds like you're "grabbing the bull by the horns" so to speak. It's a great feeling when you know everything is under control and the goal is in sight.
    PS - prime rib roast sounds super awesome!

  5. Cruise in September? We were thinking late August this year, let us know if it will be Disney, you guys were great crusing friends!! - Shana and Gene
