Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


I am back... to stay...

Hi everyone....

Well, honestly, the first two weeks of this year were a disaster for me on my low-carb adventure. I haven't been focusing as much as I should on my journey. I had made excuses that it was because of being over-worked, but really.. it was complacency on my part...

I have given it a lot of thought over this weekend and have decided that, given the journey so far, any excuse is 'no excuse'... so... I'm back on the road and will not accept any more excuses, from myself...

I know that I can continue on this journey and will commit now to posting as often as possible.

Today I plan to go to the gym, go shopping for lots of good low-carb stuff. I plan on getting a rib roast and cooking it tonight so I have plenty of protein for the week.

Sunny, hang in there and I know when your dental tribulations are over, you'll be back 100 percent as well. 'Let's get er done.. little lady..' That's my motto for today.

By the way... I want to give a personal shout-out to anne h . She has made remarkable progress on her adventure, and has been a great supporter / commenter of this blog since she joined... Check out her blog at Carb Tripper.


  1. Yay - Sunshine Girl! ☼ Thanks, Don!
    You are right - shake it off - TODAY is the only day that counts.
    Because TODAY is the only day you can do anything!

  2. You made my day, with your inspiration and confidence...I want to be back in it so bad. soon...very soon. Gonna go grab a shake.

    Oh and yes, Anne is an inspiration as well, her blogs are sooo cool. Her pix are fantastic too and she lifts me up everytime I visit. So glad to have you here, Anne!!

  3. p.s. I love the sun so much, I added it to my name ;)
