Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..



Allz well. Sticking to the diet plan (exercise included) and making it work.

I'm weighing this weekend for the first time in ages.
No, I have no idea how much I gained over the holidays, but in the long run, it doesn't matter. My goal is in my sight..and I have Gina now to help me out's are more fun and so is being more healthy in general, when you have the support and use a 'buddy system.' That's why it worked so well when Don and I blogged on a regular basis. We had all sorts of positive feedback from other's with the same weight issues too, but, he's been working very hard, so be patient...he'll be back when he gets a break.

I went to the dentist this morning for a cleaning and will go tomorrow for more tooth extractions....God, help me.

My meals have not been documented on our meals and exercise page of this blog, but I have been eating lot's of tuna salads and green salads coupled with chicken and fish dishes for dinner and of course my low carb shake every day (my guess is I will be drinking a lot more of them after tomorrow).

I'm off to get busy around the house, lots to do and so little time before everyone gets back from work and school. Enjoy this day, before you know it, it'll be gone.


  1. Hey you two -
    I bought a Flip today - HD
    Good recommendation!
    Thanks !
    Glad you are well.

  2. Thanks for keeping up the blog Sunny. I worked 65 hours last week and have been crazy busy this week as well. Launching a new system at work and it's crazy. I didn't get in last night until 9:45pm.

    I have not been doing so well on plan, but plan to focus and get back on track 100 percent by next monday. My schedule should slow down then as well.

    Good luck at the dentist today. I'll be thinking about you.
