Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


☼Getting Creative...

...the fish and egg thing got to be too much - even for a day- so I got a little creative today and got some cauliflower, boiled it and drained it well, added Philly cream cheese and butter, salt, pepper and a dash of garlic powder and whipped it up. Yum. I also boiled some escarole and added chicken broth to make a low carb soup.

Shakes and tuna, eggs and veggies are my meals now and it's working.
I feel great being back on plan and it's only been two days. Imagine what two weeks will feel like.

Enjoy the evening, everyone.


A New Beginning...

Ok, so here's the deal. I'm growing every damn day and I am fed up!!
I can't do this anymore. I feel awful and I feel like I look awful too!
I will not let this dental issue get in my way any longer.

I began my day with a coffee and a shake and I will have tuna salad for lunch. I'll have it again for dinner if I have nothing else too. Eggs are also an option.

I've been eating things like soggy cereal, oatmeal, applesauce, pasta with butter, mashed potatoes, and soft breads....Ughhhhh!!! I feel like a walking, no, make that a sitting CARB!

I have no energy, I am depressed, my clothes are tight and I am disgusted.

I need to get back into life and that means, back to the plan........for good!

Wish me luck, I am on my way back down as of today!!!


It's all good...

Hi constant readers...

It's all good today. I feel great that I have gotten back on the road to success. Yesterday was 100 percent on  plan, including the (Sorry for the tease Sunny)... Prime Rib Roast I cooked for dinner last night. All I have to say about that is OMG... YUMMY. If there was ever any question, I am definitely a meat eater. It was an 11 pound roast, so I'll be in the beef for the next few weeks.

I have great disposition today. I feel good to know that I am not giving-in to temptations, and that I have my goal in site. I am excited about the cruise we will be going on in September, and the thought that I'll be even thinner then.

So, life is good, I am good... and on PLAN!ife


Here Goes...

The "Ten Things That Make Me Happy"

1. My amazing children
2. My friends here at the blog
3. Living where there are trees and open space (the city is nice to visit)
4. Walking (even on the treadmill)
5. Chewing (lol)
6. My pets
7. Beautiful memories of yesteryears
8. Thinking about a thinner me
9. Snow
10. This moment

I am back... to stay...

Hi everyone....

Well, honestly, the first two weeks of this year were a disaster for me on my low-carb adventure. I haven't been focusing as much as I should on my journey. I had made excuses that it was because of being over-worked, but really.. it was complacency on my part...

I have given it a lot of thought over this weekend and have decided that, given the journey so far, any excuse is 'no excuse'... so... I'm back on the road and will not accept any more excuses, from myself...

I know that I can continue on this journey and will commit now to posting as often as possible.

Today I plan to go to the gym, go shopping for lots of good low-carb stuff. I plan on getting a rib roast and cooking it tonight so I have plenty of protein for the week.

Sunny, hang in there and I know when your dental tribulations are over, you'll be back 100 percent as well. 'Let's get er done.. little lady..' That's my motto for today.

By the way... I want to give a personal shout-out to anne h . She has made remarkable progress on her adventure, and has been a great supporter / commenter of this blog since she joined... Check out her blog at Carb Tripper.


Mission Impossible?...

... probably not. I'm not having any success staying on my low carb plan, I just can't drink shakes and eat only foods that have to be sucked down instead of chewed, there needs to be a middle ground for me. So, I am eating things like tuna salad, and shakes...but I slip in some ice cream (the cold feels good and it's soooo comforting) oatmeal and applesauce...stuff like that.

I'll be back to this plan just as soon as my mouth heals and Don will be back in a couple of weeks, I spoke to him recently and he told me his schedule at work has been keeping him very busy.

Sometimes roads have detours, it takes longer to arrive at our destinations. The important thing is that we arrive.


Sad Tuesday...

...and very painful.

I had two more teeth extracted last night, bringing it to a grand total of 9 missing now...all in the rear of my mouth and one up front is not's held in with some super glue and adhesive.

I feel like someone kicked me in the face....I look like it too :(

I don't have much choice in foods to eat now, 'cept for anything soft that doesn't have to be chewed. That leaves out a lot of low carb-high proteins unfortunately.

Oatmeal, applesauce, cooked veggies like cauliflower and broccoli...well, you get the idea.

Well, not much else to say 'cept I MISS DON!!!!

Back soon.



Allz well. Sticking to the diet plan (exercise included) and making it work.

I'm weighing this weekend for the first time in ages.
No, I have no idea how much I gained over the holidays, but in the long run, it doesn't matter. My goal is in my sight..and I have Gina now to help me out's are more fun and so is being more healthy in general, when you have the support and use a 'buddy system.' That's why it worked so well when Don and I blogged on a regular basis. We had all sorts of positive feedback from other's with the same weight issues too, but, he's been working very hard, so be patient...he'll be back when he gets a break.

I went to the dentist this morning for a cleaning and will go tomorrow for more tooth extractions....God, help me.

My meals have not been documented on our meals and exercise page of this blog, but I have been eating lot's of tuna salads and green salads coupled with chicken and fish dishes for dinner and of course my low carb shake every day (my guess is I will be drinking a lot more of them after tomorrow).

I'm off to get busy around the house, lots to do and so little time before everyone gets back from work and school. Enjoy this day, before you know it, it'll be gone.


Messed Up...

...again last night and had some things I should NOT have had.

But did really well today....sticking to it like glue this weekend.
I want to be able to breathe better, walk more, feel better in my jeans, get in and out of the car with ease, I want to look in a mirror and say, yeah, I look good today instead of, 'O my God, am I fat!!!'

Yeah, I'm not going backward...I refuse to do that.


I Have a Question...

The pic has nothing to do with the question, I just love this pic of my Marley. :)

It was a busy morning...I was up at 5:45 and cooking eggs and bacon by 6:00. While standing/cooking I realized my ankle was sore, not the one I previously had problems with, but the other one.

I'm not sure if I should walk on it (on the treadmill tonight) to strengthen it or keep it up and stay out of action until the soreness goes away...any suggestions?


Sunny Day!

Beautiful day today, even if it's a bit cold. It's supposed to be, right?

These past few days have been simply incredible. I feel so good about being back where I need to be. My overindulgence over the holiday is in the past, but it's consequences have placed themselves firmly (or not;) right on my body. My clothes were tighter and my self confidence was all but diminished.

However, being back on track for this very short time has me feeling better already! Puffiness around my eyes are gone, as are my 'kankles'
and getting myself walking again feels sooo good!!

Off to the treadmill!...


Workin' it..

I wasn't looking forward to my shake this morning (what I really wanted was a bagel with cream cheese) but I went ahead and drank it and realized I was feeling pretty good about it after all. Lots of water in between of course and my ever-present morning cup of coffee! For lunch, I had a two egg omelet with pesto paste and parm DELICIOSO!

I walked for 20 minutes on the treadmill today, not too bad for the first time in a long time. Gina and I worked out to some Lady Ga Ga tunes (Gotta love the Ga Ga Godess) and it was a lot more upbeat than listening to some exercise junky telling me to move my fat ass faster. Also, my ankle feels fine, which means I can stretch it to 30 minutes tomorrow and I'm excited about that.

I'm off to have dinner now and that will be some chicken wings in hot sauce, no breading or flour, and a healthy helping of salad...Not bad, not bad at all!

On My Way :)


Jumping Back in...

...It's not going to be easy, I've got a huge challenge ahead of me because of my dental issues, but I am ready!

I will have to be creative in finding out how to stave off the carbs without pulverizing my meat in a blender (which I refuse to do) and I will have to welcome different kinds of egg dishes and allowable veggies, for at least a couple of months. This shouldn't be hard for me to do, but any suggestions will be greatly appreciated :)

I also purchased a new pair of walking shoes!! Gina and I will work out almost every night after dinner now that my ankle is better (huge smile) and I am so looking forward to it! It's been a while since I've actually used a comprehensive work-out routine and may I say, it's about time!

I feel very positive about this next step on our journey. Don's recent blogs have been nothing short of complete inspirational motivation for me, and the fact that he looks as amazing as he does is enough to motivate even the most apprehensive person. I would be remiss not to mention the support of Don's friend, (and mine ;) Peggy. Even in our absence, she's been amazingly supportive, and to all the blog readers and commentators.......We thank you!

Here's to success in 2010!

WE WILL SUCCEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2010 is going to be a MILESTONE year!

Happy New Year everyone.

2010 is going to be a wonderful year. Because of what I was able to accomplish in 2009, I KNOW that I will reach my goals this year. Stay tuned and watch the excitement, watch it happen... watch me evolve!