Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


The Village is Growing...

...even if we can't see it.

I spoke to a friend's daughter the other day, she saw that I had lost the weight and wanted to know how she could do it. I was only too happy to point her in the right direction. We spent some time on the phone, going over some do's and don't's and she took a long look at our blog, meal plans, and weight loss chart and decided this was the way to go. She doesn't have a lot to lose, but when you feel uncomfortable carrying an extra 5, 10 or 15 lbs., it can be just as daunting as having to lose a hundred (or so I am told) so I'm sure she'll do it. Younger people (she's only 23) have a much easier time of it too, which is a wonderful thing.

I spoke to her mom yesterday (an avid reader of this blog) and she told me she's done her shopping and has already begun the journey. Another important note...She also works out 4 days a week, so this journey should be a cinch for her ;) Kudos to her for trying something different.

I'm wishing Stephanie all the best, I can't wait to hear about her progress. Now if I can just get her to join the some reason, people seem to have a hard time navigating around this blog. I know of a few people who read all the time, but can't comment because they are at work or simply don't have the time to figure it out.

It's OK.....We're not flying solo and we know it! We have the support of some wonderful family and friends. Thanks to all of you and have a fantastic Wednesday!....Sunny :^)


  1. The fitness benefits along with your general wealth condition start in your mind. It`s not about what you need to do, it`s about how you do it. I have read on Project Weight Loss that the key to weight loss success is mind fitness. A healthy diet along with regular physical exercises and a good attitude may help you reach your weight loss goals. Your fitness program should also include a series of “mental” fitness that will keep you focused on your purpose. For instance, think how well you will think when you`ll be ten pounds less, how you will look like, what will you wear.

  2. Hi Sunny Girl,
    Hope you are well and happy. I check the blog daily and read all. Just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts. Peggy
