Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Looking Back.. Looking Forward

So, yesterday was my first 'normal' work day in 4 months.. if you can call it that. I taught the first class based on all the development work we've been doing to prepare since January. It went well, but, I forgot how much 'teaching' for 8 hours a day takes out of you. I was wiped-out by the end of the day.

Looking back, I am quite pleased with the progress I have made on this journey. I am so much better physically. As a matter of fact, my doctor told me that by January, if I keep up the weight loss, I may be able to come off the Type II Diabetes medication all together. My A1C and Blood sugar levels were excellent at my last visit (about a week ago).

Looking forward, I am excited about what's next. I will continue to stay on this journey until I achieve all that I want to achieve. I have made a decision to not be as 'militant' about the trip, give myself permission (ONLY ONCE IN A WHILE) to have a few more carbs than I would normally. I don't think at this point my path is about deprivation, but control. If this slows my progress, I don't care, because I know I am in control and I know I am still headed in the right direction.

I also know when I do finally reach my goal, that I have to be 'in control', and this shift will help me to prepare for that.

I feel good, I'm doing great and I'm excited to see what is next!

I hope to be blogging more regularly now that I can say that my schedule is somewhat back to normal. Thank you to all of our regular readers/posters for sticking with us, on this trip of a lifetime!


  1. Welcome back...I've not been feeling well and have been super busy, will blog tonight, so good to see your blog today!!! XO

  2. Great to see your blog. I have been waiting patiently on the side lines for something to read about your journey. What wonderful news about your health and the medication change. It is awesome that you have changed your lifestyle to impact your body in such a positive way. The weight is what you see right away but the inner health change will give you a longer, healthier life. Congratulations. I think adding a few carbs here and there will prepare your body and will allow you to expand your choices for some variety in your diet. I know this was a huge life change for you and you will continue to grow with the changes you have made until it is the life you lead always. You have accomplished so much by making up your mind to just do it. You are such a good example to all of us and an amazing success story. A true inspiration. Thank you. Peggy

  3. Great news all round - send my love to Sunny who isn't feeling well I see!
