Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Back soon!!

My life is finally getting back to normal... work will be slowing down next week. I'll be on this weekend to blog and will be back more often now! I've been doing well, and am at 110 pounds lost.


  1. So glad to hear it and WOW 110lbs lost is AMAZING!! Well done you - look forward to reading more when you are back properly!

  2. Looking forward to seeing your blogs. I am proud of you. Even though you had such a hectic work schedule these last few months, you have stayed focused and have 110 lbs to show for all your continued efforts. You are extraordinary in your total transformation of both mind and body. You are truly amazing!!! I am glad I know you and have watched your success. It has made my life so happy to share these months with you.
    XOXO Peggy
