Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Lookin' Up

Well, I'm not surprised, I just weighed and I gained 4 lbs.

Planning on having a fabulous day and a great weekend though, I feel good and have a good attitude.

Go Phillies!! Enjoy the weekend everyone:)


It's Raining, But I Feel Sunny ;)

First let me's so good to have Don back!

I've not been here in a while because, I was struggling about what to write. I too have been integrating some carbs into my diet and it's slowed my progress to a grinding hault, maybe even put me in reverse. I haven't weighed in weeks and there's a reason for that, it's called, denial. I know it's not going to be good news, so I stay away. But that will change in a few days, I will weigh and I will move on...I've been back on track for a week now and I'm feeling better, but it's just catching up to I doubt there's any loss, I'd be surprised if I even weigh the same at this point, but that's the way it is, so be it.

The attitude is what counts for me and mine is right where it needs to be. I'm understanding that there will be times when I will stray (A BIT) but I've proven to myself that it's not the end of the road, just the normal starts, stops and yields ;) It might take longer to get there, but it's the journey of a lifetime and I'm no longer letting guilt cut me off the road.
I agree with Don 100% about letting in SOME carbs, but I don't work out on a regular basis (lately, not at all) and as a result, my journey will take longer, but that's fine with me.

I've also had a nasty eye infection, but it's feeling better, at least I can see better now....thanks for the well wishes.

Back to logging in my meals and blogging on a regular basis is what will help see me through as I've decided to be more diligent about that too.

Enjoy this rainy day, the sun is going to make a grand entrance any day now ;)


Looking Back.. Looking Forward

So, yesterday was my first 'normal' work day in 4 months.. if you can call it that. I taught the first class based on all the development work we've been doing to prepare since January. It went well, but, I forgot how much 'teaching' for 8 hours a day takes out of you. I was wiped-out by the end of the day.

Looking back, I am quite pleased with the progress I have made on this journey. I am so much better physically. As a matter of fact, my doctor told me that by January, if I keep up the weight loss, I may be able to come off the Type II Diabetes medication all together. My A1C and Blood sugar levels were excellent at my last visit (about a week ago).

Looking forward, I am excited about what's next. I will continue to stay on this journey until I achieve all that I want to achieve. I have made a decision to not be as 'militant' about the trip, give myself permission (ONLY ONCE IN A WHILE) to have a few more carbs than I would normally. I don't think at this point my path is about deprivation, but control. If this slows my progress, I don't care, because I know I am in control and I know I am still headed in the right direction.

I also know when I do finally reach my goal, that I have to be 'in control', and this shift will help me to prepare for that.

I feel good, I'm doing great and I'm excited to see what is next!

I hope to be blogging more regularly now that I can say that my schedule is somewhat back to normal. Thank you to all of our regular readers/posters for sticking with us, on this trip of a lifetime!


Back soon!!

My life is finally getting back to normal... work will be slowing down next week. I'll be on this weekend to blog and will be back more often now! I've been doing well, and am at 110 pounds lost.


Back in the Groove

I am back on track and feeling better emotionally and physically. It only takes a little back slide to make me feel hopeless sometimes and I hate that, I have to keep in mind that some deviation is not the ruination of all my effort. I simply climb back on board and start sailing again....I'll be coasting before you know it!

I miss Don.


Bad Weekend...

...didn't stay on plan but I am back on track today.

On a lighter note, Stephanie lost almost 10 lbs. in one week...go Steph!

This is a bad time for me, I have a million things going on at once and not all are good. I am not making excuses, simply explaining.

I am looking forward to climbing back on board and keeping my eye on the prize. Have a great week.


It's Baby Day...

Well, everyone has off from school and work today, and we have a very special visitor...A friend of Gina's (my daughter) and her new baby girl are coming over this afternoon and tonight I am visiting my brand new (she was born on 10/09) grand niece, Sienna. It's so good to have all this new life around us, and considering all the heartache and loss we've had lately, we sure could use a reason to celebrate.

I am doing well and staying the course. Feeling my best and even my heel is feeling better, so I am going to be more diligent when it comes to working out. Beginning this week, Gina and I will start a program and work it out after dinner, even if it just takes 40 minutes of our time each day, it will be a huge help in my progress.

I'll keep you all updated. Thank you, means a lot to know you read and keep up with our progress. Have a wonderful week all!


Trying to be like a DUCK...

Hi all. It's been a while since I last posted. I am still on plan and dedicated to this journey, I just haven't had a moment to myself to get in here and post. In 2 weeks, my big project at work which I have been working on all summer, is due. I have been working 12, 13 and sometimes 14 hours a day at work to get where we need to be, and it has left time for almost nothing else. I'm happy and proud of all we (the team) has accomplished, but it has really dug into my time. We start the second phase of this project (the training phase) on the 26th of this month, when I will hopefully be going back to a more normal (10 hour day) schedule.

About this journey.. I feel great. I see pictures of myself from last year and I don't even recognize who I was back then. With my new lifestyle and my new routines so ingrained in me now, I can't even remember what it was that allowed me to get to that bad place. I do remember when I would think 'I wish I was able to do more... I wish I wasn't so damn useless...', and guess what... I don't have to wish anymore. I still have a significant amount of weight to loose, but over one hundred pounds of it is now gone, and I do feel better, I can do more, I have more energy, and most importantly... I am not depressed or wishing any more.. I doing.. I'm achieving.. I'm succeeding!

Thanks for continuing to monitor our progress, Thank you, Sunny Girl for keeping the blog going while my schedule is so crazy. Once things get back to normal in my life, I'll be back to blogging more often. For now, know that I am doing well, I am as dedicated as ever to this journey and this process.


The Village is Growing...

...even if we can't see it.

I spoke to a friend's daughter the other day, she saw that I had lost the weight and wanted to know how she could do it. I was only too happy to point her in the right direction. We spent some time on the phone, going over some do's and don't's and she took a long look at our blog, meal plans, and weight loss chart and decided this was the way to go. She doesn't have a lot to lose, but when you feel uncomfortable carrying an extra 5, 10 or 15 lbs., it can be just as daunting as having to lose a hundred (or so I am told) so I'm sure she'll do it. Younger people (she's only 23) have a much easier time of it too, which is a wonderful thing.

I spoke to her mom yesterday (an avid reader of this blog) and she told me she's done her shopping and has already begun the journey. Another important note...She also works out 4 days a week, so this journey should be a cinch for her ;) Kudos to her for trying something different.

I'm wishing Stephanie all the best, I can't wait to hear about her progress. Now if I can just get her to join the some reason, people seem to have a hard time navigating around this blog. I know of a few people who read all the time, but can't comment because they are at work or simply don't have the time to figure it out.

It's OK.....We're not flying solo and we know it! We have the support of some wonderful family and friends. Thanks to all of you and have a fantastic Wednesday!....Sunny :^)


Inspirational Quote

Without the Fog

I woke to a cool, crisp morning, with just a touch of fog. I thought it was the perfect setting to sit and write this, since it is indicative of the way I've always felt. I'm going to try to put that into words...I feel like I am just that, cool and crisp like a new autumn day. I feel new and very different. The fog? was just that little something that was in the way of feeling altogether clear.

My weight issue was the one thing that got in the way of feeling clear. It was always there. But now that I'm doing something about it, it doesn't get in my way anymore. This road is getting easier to handle and the fog is lifting more and more with every passing day. I can actually see a brighter day, where once, that wasn't possible. I never realized how depressed the extra pounds were making me feel. Oh I put on a happy face, but now I don't have to, it is who I am. I was on a path of utter destruction....maybe I felt like I didn't deserve to feel clear and crisp, I don't know. All I know is this handle I have on it now, is making me happier than I've been in years.

I'm seeing things in new and different ways and I am loving it. I know that fog is lifting, and I have become the me I always was down under it all and I see beauty in everything now, even myself. A bright new day, without the fog.

In the time it took me to write this, the fog lifted. :)

Enjoy your Sunday....Sunny


She's Back

Had a great time in Wildwood, I hope to go back in a few months. It's good to be treated like royalty and so good to feel so loved. I stayed on plan and enjoyed every minute of it.

Sorry to hear about Amy, Don, I know she'll be missed, but she'll be loved forever.

Have a great weekend everyone.


Our Amy...

... we will miss her dearly. She was a part of our family for over 19 years, our first pet. She loved us faithfully, tolerated additions to the family with grace and style, all be it with reluctant acceptance. She taught us what it was to love and be loved unconditionally.