Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Staying the course...

Hi all...

I had a good week. I was very busy with work, teaching classes Monday - Thursday. They were good sessions, but I had forgotten how much teaching takes out of you... b0y was I tired.

I have decided to step back a bit, and get back to basics with my eating plan. I have given myself permission over the past few weeks to 'stray' bit from the strict carb plan, and I have had good control, and have not over-done it, but never the less, I feel a bit 'guilty' because I know I have so much more weight to loose, and I really shouldn't 'loosen my grip' on the road, or I could end up in a ditch.

From time to time, I will allow myself to have something I shouldn't, but I will not make it a daily activity. Starting today (Sunday), I have decided to pretty much go back to my 20 net carbs or less a day. I want to reach my final goal, and I'm only about half way there.

I will be blogging more often, because I find that it keeps me focused on my goal, and I need the focus. I won't feel the pressure to post 'every day', but I need to stay connected to this blog, because it empowers me to be strong and stay focused.

I went to a celebration with Ed on Saturday, and saw a whole side of our family who hadn't seen me since before I started this trip. They were amazed at the transformation in my body. Hearing this from almost everyone who saw me, really made me think about my goal, and about my need to just keep going, and not allow myself too much 'permission'... because deep inside, I know that it could lead to disaster.

I went to the gym 3 times last week, and on Saturday. I'll be sure to go at least twice this week, if not more.

Physically and mentally, I feel great! Thanks for continuing to check in to this site...


  1. You are such an inspiration! You have come so far and I know you will make your goal weight. Your attitude towards food has changed so dramatically. You are more focused on your health and your future and that is the key. When we reach 50, we have to decide what we are doing to our bodies in the lifestyle we have chosen. This is all we are going to get so we should take care of it. Our health governs what we can do (vacations, day to day activities) so we need to take care of ourselves. Looking forward to watching your journey and your future successes! Peggy

  2. Howdy Don! It just tickles me to no end to hear of how far you've come! Really you've become quite the inspiration in sticking to low carb. I may not get to post comments as much as I'd like, but I sure the heck read yall's posts (via Reader)! It's motivating for me to hear how well you & Sunny are coming along.
    The journey doesn't have to be all uphill, but I tell ya, I find that if I "cheat" on low carb...then the setback not only kicks the motivation right out from under me, but it sure makes getting back on track that much more difficult.
    I'm proud to hear you're persevering right along & are aware of what might stop you in your tracks. Congrats on making it to the gym too!
    Thanks also for being a low carb role model! I can only hope to do as well as you have! Hugs, Jane :)
