Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Giving myself permission...!!!

Hi All...

So here is where I am at....

I have decided to give myself permission to enjoy the holidays, but NOT OVERDO any carb eating. I will have that dish I want, but I will not over do anything.. that has always been my downfall in the past.

I know that through this, I may gain couple of pounds over the holiday period, but I will do this guilt free.. knowing that after the New Year, in January, I will be back on this plan in full force.

I have accomplished a lot since March, and loosing 110 pounds is only part of it... I have really changed my life, and how I interact with my food. I know that I can control myself.

I also realize that the method I have chosen to loose weight, 'The low-carb way', is only one choice of how to loose. It REALLY WORKS for me, and so I vow to be back on the 'Low-Carb-Highway' as soon as the holidays are over...

Life for me, is really not about missing moments, or feeling deprived... my weight loss journey is not about that... It's about learning how to really live with the fact that I love food, but I must not over-endulge... and this I have learned!

I have absolutely no guilt or hesitation about this decision, and I know that those of you who support me in my efforts, understand that this decision does not mean I will be FAT AGAIN.. that will NEVER happen!

I hope everyone enjoys the holidays as much as I will. I enter this season with a new found respect for myself and my body... I hope each of you has had such a fulfilling journey and has taken the time to be a bit introspective, and reflective!

Everyone enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas!.. I'll be back to blog from time to time...


  1. Ditto, bello mio! And you look Marvelous!!

  2. I came back before posting this just to say I'm so Not judging your decision to just do you and be happy with eating this season!! I just know I don't even wanna tempt the gut!! I'm still reforming my mind and body! okey dokey.....


    Have you looked for low carb dessert and baked options? if you join (if you haven't already) you'll find many options. Plus if you choose to buy it, Atkins has baking mix. Atkins used to have a LOT more low carb food products aside from their bars and shakes than they offer now. I just started back on Atkins a little over a month or maybe not a month ago myself so we're on the same page. I wanted to see if I'd like it again or if my body would like it again. Not 100% sure yet but the first/last time I tried it I had great success. Their baking mix wasn't bad but well, actually at the time they used to have an actual orange-cranberry muffin mix, a pancake mix, flavored drink syrups, "maple" pancake syrup, flavored pasta mixes and some other items. I guess when the early 2000s Atkins boom died down they stopped making them. However, other low carb products are out there has some (found that through

    AAAAALL of that said, rather than rely only on what others have prepared for guests to munch on, bring your own options to serve or just to have. you never know, someone else might be low-carbing too and just decided to "pause". I personally don't wanna pause as long as I'm consciously doing Atkins. I used to make a lowcarb pumpkin cheesecake that was TOOOOO good!!! no crust and used splenda. So dang good, my bro is gonna have to scrounge around in his old lowcarb recipes for that one! If I get it, I'll pass it on to you!

    Down 110!! WAY TO GO DON!!! WOOWHOOO!!

    Good luck with these next few weeks and enjoy!

  3. Wow! You look great in that suit. Your transformation is amazing. You are sooooo good looking!!! I know you will control yourself but you should enjoy all those great family gatherings you share every year. We pass through this life but once, and each year as I enjoy the holidays I always wonder who may not be here next year. Those special family recipes are each persons pride and joy, so they are such a big part of the celebration. You have accomplished so much already by losing 110 pounds. I am very proud of you. I can see in your blog writings that you are not the same person I met five years ago. Your eating habits and mind set have changed in such a positive way. You have improved your body and your health. I also know that everyone that sees you during the holidays will be so amazed at your physical change that they will be telling you non-stop and that will be so fulfilling for you. It will keep you on track for the second half of your journey in 2010. XOXO Peggy

  4. OoOooOOoh so very dapper! Looking good Don!
