Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Give and Take....

Hi all...

I am at the same weight as 2 weeks ago. Still at 110 pounds lost. I gave in a little to carbs in the past few weeks and also didn't get as much exercise, because of my work schedule. I made the choices and am ready to take the result!

I am not disappointed with this, in fact, I'm happy that with what I had eaten, I didn't gain any weight! That shows me when I do finally reach the end of this journey and I modify my plan, I know what to do to maintain my weight.

The next two weeks I plan to revert back to the more strict version of my plan, I do want to continue to loose. I AM NOT going to be focused on the scale, however... because I feel great and I know that I am succeeding!

I went to the gym yesterday and twice during the week last week. I will go at least 2 times this week, and on Friday, which I am now off.

This has been a wonderful trip so far, and I look forward to more loss. I had to buy a suit this weekend for a wedding I am going to attend in 2 weeks. Last March, I also had to buy a suit for a wedding. The suit I bought yesterday was 10 sizes smaller in the coat and 12 sizes smaller in the waist! Yeah, I feel great!

Everyone have a great week.


  1. I love love your attitude, it mirrors mine...Once again, we're at the same place...albeit, you did better in your choices than I have, the important thing is, I learned, which is what this journey has been about since day 1. And the 10-12 sizes down...SUCCESS!

  2. The down sizing for you says it all. You have done a great thing. Do you know what equals 110 pounds???? Another person!!!! Your heart, knees and feet must be thanking you every day. Keep up the exercise program. It is good for your body and helps you stay alert. Keep that blood pumping. You should be so proud of your accomplishments. I am so proud of you!! Peggy
