Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..



...Today, I took my second trip to the dentist in a month. I have always had nice teeth, my smile was the one thing that I was confident about...until now. A few months ago, I had two top, left side, back teeth extracted. Two weeks ago, I had my one front, top tooth extracted and today, four of my top, right side, back teeth extracted. I am now MINUS 7 TEETH!!!!

I have extensive bone loss in my jaw and the teeth are simply falling away from my gums.

As of today, I cannot chew on either side of my mouth OR the front.
I asked the dentist about my diet and laughed out loud when he said......"Just stick with pasta, rice, soft breads, oatmeal and puddings, stuff like that!!!"

:( I am truly at a loss here. I do not want to gain all this weight back (I've gained some already over this holiday) but I cannot worry over this. I'll have to hop back on this path when all is said and done, which my dentist says won't be until January.

I am feeling a certain sense of failure and I know it's not my fault, but that fact doesn't seem to make it any easier for me. Feeling sorry for myself?...maybe a little.

I miss the incredible feeling of weight loss, and I am praying the healing time passes quickly...if you are so inclined, say a prayer for me, please.


  1. Sunny;

    You can only do what you can do! You are obviously dealing with some issues which will not allow you to stay on plan. You can try to eat soft proteins, like mushrooms, and maybe overcooked vegetables (cauliflower mashed up, squash, etc..) to try to stay on plan as much as possible. What ever you do, or have to do, you will return when the time is right. Until then, consider the prayers said! I hope things turn out ok for you after the work is done.

    Love and support is streaming your way...


  2. Thank you so much, I needed that encouragement. You're the best!

  3. Sorry to hear about your extractions! I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled out this summer's end and it still cringe to think of it. GIRL WHAT'S GOING ON WITH YOUR MOUTH?!?!!? wow! not enough calcium? gingivitis? what has the dentist really had to say about the diagnosis? either way, praying for your well-being and guidance through all of this. :)

  4. you doing Sunny? Healing up ok? What did you end up finding you were able to eat comfortably? Girl you have been threw the ringer these past few months!

  5. Jane You don't know the half of it. There are some things I can't even blog about!! lol

    I'll post soon.
