Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


I Will Find Success

Precisely why I won't look for reasons that I've strayed.

I am back on today. I am going to do this. I need to.

I will begin to use this page, as I have in the past, to keep me on track, to help me along.

I will log in my meals, as this helps me as well. I need to get back to basics and not stray, especially with Thanksgiving and Christmas so close-by. I've been struggling terribly and had begun to eat anything I wanted. I vow to myself today that those days are over. I'm off to log my breakfast meal and will be back often to update.

Just writing this makes me feel the power. I'm taking back the reins and moving ahead....:)


  1. You can do it, Sunny. The act of acknowledging the slip and stopping it is the toughest part I think. Each step forward gets easier and more routine. Best of luck!

  2. Happy to read your post. You can do it. You have come so far not to succeed. The holidays are the worst but this too will pass. The food is so wonderful. I get very blue this time of year, a lot of people do. Try to stay positive. We have so much to be thankful for. You are in my thoughts and I know you can do this. So many people are pulling for you.... I am! Peggy

  3. Howdy Sunny, I know it seems like forever since I've commented (I've been using Reader to read my blogs lately), but I can't seem to leave comments if I have to use Reader. Anyways, I'm done with Reader!
    Anyways, I'm right there with ya sister on worrying about the upcoming holidays. I think about it more than I think about anything else I do believe. It's daunting yes, but we can do this. The holidays shouldn't mean instant diet failure.
    Every day you stick to your plan - the better you'll be for it AND can you just imagine how empowered you'll be when you make it to the other side of the holidays and stuck to your weight loss plan?? Holy Moses! After that - you'll be unstoppable!!
    You're my hero! Hugs a plenty! Jane
