Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..



...Today, I took my second trip to the dentist in a month. I have always had nice teeth, my smile was the one thing that I was confident about...until now. A few months ago, I had two top, left side, back teeth extracted. Two weeks ago, I had my one front, top tooth extracted and today, four of my top, right side, back teeth extracted. I am now MINUS 7 TEETH!!!!

I have extensive bone loss in my jaw and the teeth are simply falling away from my gums.

As of today, I cannot chew on either side of my mouth OR the front.
I asked the dentist about my diet and laughed out loud when he said......"Just stick with pasta, rice, soft breads, oatmeal and puddings, stuff like that!!!"

:( I am truly at a loss here. I do not want to gain all this weight back (I've gained some already over this holiday) but I cannot worry over this. I'll have to hop back on this path when all is said and done, which my dentist says won't be until January.

I am feeling a certain sense of failure and I know it's not my fault, but that fact doesn't seem to make it any easier for me. Feeling sorry for myself?...maybe a little.

I miss the incredible feeling of weight loss, and I am praying the healing time passes quickly...if you are so inclined, say a prayer for me, please.



Giving myself permission...!!!

Hi All...

So here is where I am at....

I have decided to give myself permission to enjoy the holidays, but NOT OVERDO any carb eating. I will have that dish I want, but I will not over do anything.. that has always been my downfall in the past.

I know that through this, I may gain couple of pounds over the holiday period, but I will do this guilt free.. knowing that after the New Year, in January, I will be back on this plan in full force.

I have accomplished a lot since March, and loosing 110 pounds is only part of it... I have really changed my life, and how I interact with my food. I know that I can control myself.

I also realize that the method I have chosen to loose weight, 'The low-carb way', is only one choice of how to loose. It REALLY WORKS for me, and so I vow to be back on the 'Low-Carb-Highway' as soon as the holidays are over...

Life for me, is really not about missing moments, or feeling deprived... my weight loss journey is not about that... It's about learning how to really live with the fact that I love food, but I must not over-endulge... and this I have learned!

I have absolutely no guilt or hesitation about this decision, and I know that those of you who support me in my efforts, understand that this decision does not mean I will be FAT AGAIN.. that will NEVER happen!

I hope everyone enjoys the holidays as much as I will. I enter this season with a new found respect for myself and my body... I hope each of you has had such a fulfilling journey and has taken the time to be a bit introspective, and reflective!

Everyone enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas!.. I'll be back to blog from time to time...


I Will Find Success

Precisely why I won't look for reasons that I've strayed.

I am back on today. I am going to do this. I need to.

I will begin to use this page, as I have in the past, to keep me on track, to help me along.

I will log in my meals, as this helps me as well. I need to get back to basics and not stray, especially with Thanksgiving and Christmas so close-by. I've been struggling terribly and had begun to eat anything I wanted. I vow to myself today that those days are over. I'm off to log my breakfast meal and will be back often to update.

Just writing this makes me feel the power. I'm taking back the reins and moving ahead....:)


Slippin' and Slidin'...

...and having a very hard time staying on track. *Sigh* But I am trying.
I am on my way out, but will get back here asap.....Thanks for staying tuned. You know who you are. ;)



...where did my blog go? I actually think I deleted the one I wrote today by mistake, but the whole idea is that I'm back on track and feeling good about it. I'm looking for work and doing some walking on the treadmill for the first time in ages. My ankle is better and I'm looking to the sky, because that's where the limit is. Enjoy your week!


Staying the course...

Hi all...

I had a good week. I was very busy with work, teaching classes Monday - Thursday. They were good sessions, but I had forgotten how much teaching takes out of you... b0y was I tired.

I have decided to step back a bit, and get back to basics with my eating plan. I have given myself permission over the past few weeks to 'stray' bit from the strict carb plan, and I have had good control, and have not over-done it, but never the less, I feel a bit 'guilty' because I know I have so much more weight to loose, and I really shouldn't 'loosen my grip' on the road, or I could end up in a ditch.

From time to time, I will allow myself to have something I shouldn't, but I will not make it a daily activity. Starting today (Sunday), I have decided to pretty much go back to my 20 net carbs or less a day. I want to reach my final goal, and I'm only about half way there.

I will be blogging more often, because I find that it keeps me focused on my goal, and I need the focus. I won't feel the pressure to post 'every day', but I need to stay connected to this blog, because it empowers me to be strong and stay focused.

I went to a celebration with Ed on Saturday, and saw a whole side of our family who hadn't seen me since before I started this trip. They were amazed at the transformation in my body. Hearing this from almost everyone who saw me, really made me think about my goal, and about my need to just keep going, and not allow myself too much 'permission'... because deep inside, I know that it could lead to disaster.

I went to the gym 3 times last week, and on Saturday. I'll be sure to go at least twice this week, if not more.

Physically and mentally, I feel great! Thanks for continuing to check in to this site...


Give and Take....

Hi all...

I am at the same weight as 2 weeks ago. Still at 110 pounds lost. I gave in a little to carbs in the past few weeks and also didn't get as much exercise, because of my work schedule. I made the choices and am ready to take the result!

I am not disappointed with this, in fact, I'm happy that with what I had eaten, I didn't gain any weight! That shows me when I do finally reach the end of this journey and I modify my plan, I know what to do to maintain my weight.

The next two weeks I plan to revert back to the more strict version of my plan, I do want to continue to loose. I AM NOT going to be focused on the scale, however... because I feel great and I know that I am succeeding!

I went to the gym yesterday and twice during the week last week. I will go at least 2 times this week, and on Friday, which I am now off.

This has been a wonderful trip so far, and I look forward to more loss. I had to buy a suit this weekend for a wedding I am going to attend in 2 weeks. Last March, I also had to buy a suit for a wedding. The suit I bought yesterday was 10 sizes smaller in the coat and 12 sizes smaller in the waist! Yeah, I feel great!

Everyone have a great week.