Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Ready to take the wheel...

Hi all..

Yesterday was another good day on plan. I went to the gym and had a great dinner out with friends. I stayed 100 percent on plan.

Today is New Years Eve.. The end of a great year....

Thank you for coming on the journey with Sunny and myself. We have come a long way this year.. and will continue to strive towards our goals in 2010.

I am proud of us both, for accomplishing what we have this year, and for committing to the continued journey in the new year.

We are 'Ready to take the wheel...' in 2010 and continue to move forward down our roads, towards good health.

So, selfishly, I say.. .Congratulations to us, Sunny... and here is to a successful 2010!


Day 3.. and I'm on my way...

Hi... Yesterday and today have been good days. 100 percent on plan yesterday and went to the gym. I also went to the gym today, and am meeting friends for dinner. I'll have a salad with protein.

I feel great back on plan. I'm glad I decided to start early and get this journey back under way.

Best to everyone.


Day 2... of many...

Hi all..

Yesterday was a great day on plan. Ed and I had lunch with our good friend Peggy, then drove to Lahaska PA. It's great to have time off around the holidays.

I did well all day, had a steak and vegetables for lunch, some eggs with mozzarella for dinner and shaved ice with crystal light as a desert. Day 1 down..

Today I had an Protein shake for breakfast and am going to head out for the gym. BRRRR is it cold out there.

Everyone have a great day, and thanks for the support.


... and the Journey Continues...

With no guilt, or regret, I return to my road, happy that I enjoyed the holiday season with my friends and family. I did not overdo by any means, but I did have carbs which I would not normally allow myself.

Now, I am recharged and re-energized to begin again. This year I went from the 400's to the 300's, my goal for 2010 is to progress from my 300's into the 200's, maybe even reach my goal weight. BUT.. I realize that I have to set realistic goals.

I decided today not to wait until 'the new year' to get back on the road, but instead to make the choice right now, to get back in the saddle and do what I know I can do. I have been so much happier with the weight gone, and I want the rest gone as well.

So, stay tuned, my friends... and enjoy the ride with me.

Happy New Year to everyone... 2010 is going to be a wonderful ride!
