Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


A time and a place... for everything

Hi all...

I truly believe there is a time for everything... I am still trying to find the 'time' that is right for me to begin again on my journey. I have had several false starts since the beginning of the year. I'm not going to beat myself up, because frankly, I know when I finally put my foot back on the pedal, I'll be heading down the road again. It just has to be the right time and I need to be in the right mind set.

Sunny, I understand the trials you are going through with your dental health, and how it is effecting your ability to continue. I know you well enough to know that when you are mentally and physically ready, you will be back as well.

Until we are back on the road, everyone please help us to celebrate our successes thus far and know that we had a successful 2009 and once we begin again, we will again be successful.

Thank you, constant reader, for your love and support, during the up and the down times...

I'll be back at it soon.. I have come far, but have far to go!


Having a good day, taking it one day at a time right now.
That's the best I can do.


☼Getting Creative...

...the fish and egg thing got to be too much - even for a day- so I got a little creative today and got some cauliflower, boiled it and drained it well, added Philly cream cheese and butter, salt, pepper and a dash of garlic powder and whipped it up. Yum. I also boiled some escarole and added chicken broth to make a low carb soup.

Shakes and tuna, eggs and veggies are my meals now and it's working.
I feel great being back on plan and it's only been two days. Imagine what two weeks will feel like.

Enjoy the evening, everyone.


A New Beginning...

Ok, so here's the deal. I'm growing every damn day and I am fed up!!
I can't do this anymore. I feel awful and I feel like I look awful too!
I will not let this dental issue get in my way any longer.

I began my day with a coffee and a shake and I will have tuna salad for lunch. I'll have it again for dinner if I have nothing else too. Eggs are also an option.

I've been eating things like soggy cereal, oatmeal, applesauce, pasta with butter, mashed potatoes, and soft breads....Ughhhhh!!! I feel like a walking, no, make that a sitting CARB!

I have no energy, I am depressed, my clothes are tight and I am disgusted.

I need to get back into life and that means, back to the plan........for good!

Wish me luck, I am on my way back down as of today!!!


It's all good...

Hi constant readers...

It's all good today. I feel great that I have gotten back on the road to success. Yesterday was 100 percent on  plan, including the (Sorry for the tease Sunny)... Prime Rib Roast I cooked for dinner last night. All I have to say about that is OMG... YUMMY. If there was ever any question, I am definitely a meat eater. It was an 11 pound roast, so I'll be in the beef for the next few weeks.

I have great disposition today. I feel good to know that I am not giving-in to temptations, and that I have my goal in site. I am excited about the cruise we will be going on in September, and the thought that I'll be even thinner then.

So, life is good, I am good... and on PLAN!ife


Here Goes...

The "Ten Things That Make Me Happy"

1. My amazing children
2. My friends here at the blog
3. Living where there are trees and open space (the city is nice to visit)
4. Walking (even on the treadmill)
5. Chewing (lol)
6. My pets
7. Beautiful memories of yesteryears
8. Thinking about a thinner me
9. Snow
10. This moment

I am back... to stay...

Hi everyone....

Well, honestly, the first two weeks of this year were a disaster for me on my low-carb adventure. I haven't been focusing as much as I should on my journey. I had made excuses that it was because of being over-worked, but really.. it was complacency on my part...

I have given it a lot of thought over this weekend and have decided that, given the journey so far, any excuse is 'no excuse'... so... I'm back on the road and will not accept any more excuses, from myself...

I know that I can continue on this journey and will commit now to posting as often as possible.

Today I plan to go to the gym, go shopping for lots of good low-carb stuff. I plan on getting a rib roast and cooking it tonight so I have plenty of protein for the week.

Sunny, hang in there and I know when your dental tribulations are over, you'll be back 100 percent as well. 'Let's get er done.. little lady..' That's my motto for today.

By the way... I want to give a personal shout-out to anne h . She has made remarkable progress on her adventure, and has been a great supporter / commenter of this blog since she joined... Check out her blog at Carb Tripper.


Mission Impossible?...

... probably not. I'm not having any success staying on my low carb plan, I just can't drink shakes and eat only foods that have to be sucked down instead of chewed, there needs to be a middle ground for me. So, I am eating things like tuna salad, and shakes...but I slip in some ice cream (the cold feels good and it's soooo comforting) oatmeal and applesauce...stuff like that.

I'll be back to this plan just as soon as my mouth heals and Don will be back in a couple of weeks, I spoke to him recently and he told me his schedule at work has been keeping him very busy.

Sometimes roads have detours, it takes longer to arrive at our destinations. The important thing is that we arrive.


Sad Tuesday...

...and very painful.

I had two more teeth extracted last night, bringing it to a grand total of 9 missing now...all in the rear of my mouth and one up front is not's held in with some super glue and adhesive.

I feel like someone kicked me in the face....I look like it too :(

I don't have much choice in foods to eat now, 'cept for anything soft that doesn't have to be chewed. That leaves out a lot of low carb-high proteins unfortunately.

Oatmeal, applesauce, cooked veggies like cauliflower and broccoli...well, you get the idea.

Well, not much else to say 'cept I MISS DON!!!!

Back soon.



Allz well. Sticking to the diet plan (exercise included) and making it work.

I'm weighing this weekend for the first time in ages.
No, I have no idea how much I gained over the holidays, but in the long run, it doesn't matter. My goal is in my sight..and I have Gina now to help me out's are more fun and so is being more healthy in general, when you have the support and use a 'buddy system.' That's why it worked so well when Don and I blogged on a regular basis. We had all sorts of positive feedback from other's with the same weight issues too, but, he's been working very hard, so be patient...he'll be back when he gets a break.

I went to the dentist this morning for a cleaning and will go tomorrow for more tooth extractions....God, help me.

My meals have not been documented on our meals and exercise page of this blog, but I have been eating lot's of tuna salads and green salads coupled with chicken and fish dishes for dinner and of course my low carb shake every day (my guess is I will be drinking a lot more of them after tomorrow).

I'm off to get busy around the house, lots to do and so little time before everyone gets back from work and school. Enjoy this day, before you know it, it'll be gone.


Messed Up...

...again last night and had some things I should NOT have had.

But did really well today....sticking to it like glue this weekend.
I want to be able to breathe better, walk more, feel better in my jeans, get in and out of the car with ease, I want to look in a mirror and say, yeah, I look good today instead of, 'O my God, am I fat!!!'

Yeah, I'm not going backward...I refuse to do that.


I Have a Question...

The pic has nothing to do with the question, I just love this pic of my Marley. :)

It was a busy morning...I was up at 5:45 and cooking eggs and bacon by 6:00. While standing/cooking I realized my ankle was sore, not the one I previously had problems with, but the other one.

I'm not sure if I should walk on it (on the treadmill tonight) to strengthen it or keep it up and stay out of action until the soreness goes away...any suggestions?


Sunny Day!

Beautiful day today, even if it's a bit cold. It's supposed to be, right?

These past few days have been simply incredible. I feel so good about being back where I need to be. My overindulgence over the holiday is in the past, but it's consequences have placed themselves firmly (or not;) right on my body. My clothes were tighter and my self confidence was all but diminished.

However, being back on track for this very short time has me feeling better already! Puffiness around my eyes are gone, as are my 'kankles'
and getting myself walking again feels sooo good!!

Off to the treadmill!...


Workin' it..

I wasn't looking forward to my shake this morning (what I really wanted was a bagel with cream cheese) but I went ahead and drank it and realized I was feeling pretty good about it after all. Lots of water in between of course and my ever-present morning cup of coffee! For lunch, I had a two egg omelet with pesto paste and parm DELICIOSO!

I walked for 20 minutes on the treadmill today, not too bad for the first time in a long time. Gina and I worked out to some Lady Ga Ga tunes (Gotta love the Ga Ga Godess) and it was a lot more upbeat than listening to some exercise junky telling me to move my fat ass faster. Also, my ankle feels fine, which means I can stretch it to 30 minutes tomorrow and I'm excited about that.

I'm off to have dinner now and that will be some chicken wings in hot sauce, no breading or flour, and a healthy helping of salad...Not bad, not bad at all!

On My Way :)


Jumping Back in...

...It's not going to be easy, I've got a huge challenge ahead of me because of my dental issues, but I am ready!

I will have to be creative in finding out how to stave off the carbs without pulverizing my meat in a blender (which I refuse to do) and I will have to welcome different kinds of egg dishes and allowable veggies, for at least a couple of months. This shouldn't be hard for me to do, but any suggestions will be greatly appreciated :)

I also purchased a new pair of walking shoes!! Gina and I will work out almost every night after dinner now that my ankle is better (huge smile) and I am so looking forward to it! It's been a while since I've actually used a comprehensive work-out routine and may I say, it's about time!

I feel very positive about this next step on our journey. Don's recent blogs have been nothing short of complete inspirational motivation for me, and the fact that he looks as amazing as he does is enough to motivate even the most apprehensive person. I would be remiss not to mention the support of Don's friend, (and mine ;) Peggy. Even in our absence, she's been amazingly supportive, and to all the blog readers and commentators.......We thank you!

Here's to success in 2010!

WE WILL SUCCEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2010 is going to be a MILESTONE year!

Happy New Year everyone.

2010 is going to be a wonderful year. Because of what I was able to accomplish in 2009, I KNOW that I will reach my goals this year. Stay tuned and watch the excitement, watch it happen... watch me evolve!


Ready to take the wheel...

Hi all..

Yesterday was another good day on plan. I went to the gym and had a great dinner out with friends. I stayed 100 percent on plan.

Today is New Years Eve.. The end of a great year....

Thank you for coming on the journey with Sunny and myself. We have come a long way this year.. and will continue to strive towards our goals in 2010.

I am proud of us both, for accomplishing what we have this year, and for committing to the continued journey in the new year.

We are 'Ready to take the wheel...' in 2010 and continue to move forward down our roads, towards good health.

So, selfishly, I say.. .Congratulations to us, Sunny... and here is to a successful 2010!


Day 3.. and I'm on my way...

Hi... Yesterday and today have been good days. 100 percent on plan yesterday and went to the gym. I also went to the gym today, and am meeting friends for dinner. I'll have a salad with protein.

I feel great back on plan. I'm glad I decided to start early and get this journey back under way.

Best to everyone.


Day 2... of many...

Hi all..

Yesterday was a great day on plan. Ed and I had lunch with our good friend Peggy, then drove to Lahaska PA. It's great to have time off around the holidays.

I did well all day, had a steak and vegetables for lunch, some eggs with mozzarella for dinner and shaved ice with crystal light as a desert. Day 1 down..

Today I had an Protein shake for breakfast and am going to head out for the gym. BRRRR is it cold out there.

Everyone have a great day, and thanks for the support.


... and the Journey Continues...

With no guilt, or regret, I return to my road, happy that I enjoyed the holiday season with my friends and family. I did not overdo by any means, but I did have carbs which I would not normally allow myself.

Now, I am recharged and re-energized to begin again. This year I went from the 400's to the 300's, my goal for 2010 is to progress from my 300's into the 200's, maybe even reach my goal weight. BUT.. I realize that I have to set realistic goals.

I decided today not to wait until 'the new year' to get back on the road, but instead to make the choice right now, to get back in the saddle and do what I know I can do. I have been so much happier with the weight gone, and I want the rest gone as well.

So, stay tuned, my friends... and enjoy the ride with me.

Happy New Year to everyone... 2010 is going to be a wonderful ride!




...Today, I took my second trip to the dentist in a month. I have always had nice teeth, my smile was the one thing that I was confident about...until now. A few months ago, I had two top, left side, back teeth extracted. Two weeks ago, I had my one front, top tooth extracted and today, four of my top, right side, back teeth extracted. I am now MINUS 7 TEETH!!!!

I have extensive bone loss in my jaw and the teeth are simply falling away from my gums.

As of today, I cannot chew on either side of my mouth OR the front.
I asked the dentist about my diet and laughed out loud when he said......"Just stick with pasta, rice, soft breads, oatmeal and puddings, stuff like that!!!"

:( I am truly at a loss here. I do not want to gain all this weight back (I've gained some already over this holiday) but I cannot worry over this. I'll have to hop back on this path when all is said and done, which my dentist says won't be until January.

I am feeling a certain sense of failure and I know it's not my fault, but that fact doesn't seem to make it any easier for me. Feeling sorry for myself?...maybe a little.

I miss the incredible feeling of weight loss, and I am praying the healing time passes quickly...if you are so inclined, say a prayer for me, please.



Giving myself permission...!!!

Hi All...

So here is where I am at....

I have decided to give myself permission to enjoy the holidays, but NOT OVERDO any carb eating. I will have that dish I want, but I will not over do anything.. that has always been my downfall in the past.

I know that through this, I may gain couple of pounds over the holiday period, but I will do this guilt free.. knowing that after the New Year, in January, I will be back on this plan in full force.

I have accomplished a lot since March, and loosing 110 pounds is only part of it... I have really changed my life, and how I interact with my food. I know that I can control myself.

I also realize that the method I have chosen to loose weight, 'The low-carb way', is only one choice of how to loose. It REALLY WORKS for me, and so I vow to be back on the 'Low-Carb-Highway' as soon as the holidays are over...

Life for me, is really not about missing moments, or feeling deprived... my weight loss journey is not about that... It's about learning how to really live with the fact that I love food, but I must not over-endulge... and this I have learned!

I have absolutely no guilt or hesitation about this decision, and I know that those of you who support me in my efforts, understand that this decision does not mean I will be FAT AGAIN.. that will NEVER happen!

I hope everyone enjoys the holidays as much as I will. I enter this season with a new found respect for myself and my body... I hope each of you has had such a fulfilling journey and has taken the time to be a bit introspective, and reflective!

Everyone enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas!.. I'll be back to blog from time to time...


I Will Find Success

Precisely why I won't look for reasons that I've strayed.

I am back on today. I am going to do this. I need to.

I will begin to use this page, as I have in the past, to keep me on track, to help me along.

I will log in my meals, as this helps me as well. I need to get back to basics and not stray, especially with Thanksgiving and Christmas so close-by. I've been struggling terribly and had begun to eat anything I wanted. I vow to myself today that those days are over. I'm off to log my breakfast meal and will be back often to update.

Just writing this makes me feel the power. I'm taking back the reins and moving ahead....:)


Slippin' and Slidin'...

...and having a very hard time staying on track. *Sigh* But I am trying.
I am on my way out, but will get back here asap.....Thanks for staying tuned. You know who you are. ;)



...where did my blog go? I actually think I deleted the one I wrote today by mistake, but the whole idea is that I'm back on track and feeling good about it. I'm looking for work and doing some walking on the treadmill for the first time in ages. My ankle is better and I'm looking to the sky, because that's where the limit is. Enjoy your week!


Staying the course...

Hi all...

I had a good week. I was very busy with work, teaching classes Monday - Thursday. They were good sessions, but I had forgotten how much teaching takes out of you... b0y was I tired.

I have decided to step back a bit, and get back to basics with my eating plan. I have given myself permission over the past few weeks to 'stray' bit from the strict carb plan, and I have had good control, and have not over-done it, but never the less, I feel a bit 'guilty' because I know I have so much more weight to loose, and I really shouldn't 'loosen my grip' on the road, or I could end up in a ditch.

From time to time, I will allow myself to have something I shouldn't, but I will not make it a daily activity. Starting today (Sunday), I have decided to pretty much go back to my 20 net carbs or less a day. I want to reach my final goal, and I'm only about half way there.

I will be blogging more often, because I find that it keeps me focused on my goal, and I need the focus. I won't feel the pressure to post 'every day', but I need to stay connected to this blog, because it empowers me to be strong and stay focused.

I went to a celebration with Ed on Saturday, and saw a whole side of our family who hadn't seen me since before I started this trip. They were amazed at the transformation in my body. Hearing this from almost everyone who saw me, really made me think about my goal, and about my need to just keep going, and not allow myself too much 'permission'... because deep inside, I know that it could lead to disaster.

I went to the gym 3 times last week, and on Saturday. I'll be sure to go at least twice this week, if not more.

Physically and mentally, I feel great! Thanks for continuing to check in to this site...


Give and Take....

Hi all...

I am at the same weight as 2 weeks ago. Still at 110 pounds lost. I gave in a little to carbs in the past few weeks and also didn't get as much exercise, because of my work schedule. I made the choices and am ready to take the result!

I am not disappointed with this, in fact, I'm happy that with what I had eaten, I didn't gain any weight! That shows me when I do finally reach the end of this journey and I modify my plan, I know what to do to maintain my weight.

The next two weeks I plan to revert back to the more strict version of my plan, I do want to continue to loose. I AM NOT going to be focused on the scale, however... because I feel great and I know that I am succeeding!

I went to the gym yesterday and twice during the week last week. I will go at least 2 times this week, and on Friday, which I am now off.

This has been a wonderful trip so far, and I look forward to more loss. I had to buy a suit this weekend for a wedding I am going to attend in 2 weeks. Last March, I also had to buy a suit for a wedding. The suit I bought yesterday was 10 sizes smaller in the coat and 12 sizes smaller in the waist! Yeah, I feel great!

Everyone have a great week.


Lookin' Up

Well, I'm not surprised, I just weighed and I gained 4 lbs.

Planning on having a fabulous day and a great weekend though, I feel good and have a good attitude.

Go Phillies!! Enjoy the weekend everyone:)


It's Raining, But I Feel Sunny ;)

First let me's so good to have Don back!

I've not been here in a while because, I was struggling about what to write. I too have been integrating some carbs into my diet and it's slowed my progress to a grinding hault, maybe even put me in reverse. I haven't weighed in weeks and there's a reason for that, it's called, denial. I know it's not going to be good news, so I stay away. But that will change in a few days, I will weigh and I will move on...I've been back on track for a week now and I'm feeling better, but it's just catching up to I doubt there's any loss, I'd be surprised if I even weigh the same at this point, but that's the way it is, so be it.

The attitude is what counts for me and mine is right where it needs to be. I'm understanding that there will be times when I will stray (A BIT) but I've proven to myself that it's not the end of the road, just the normal starts, stops and yields ;) It might take longer to get there, but it's the journey of a lifetime and I'm no longer letting guilt cut me off the road.
I agree with Don 100% about letting in SOME carbs, but I don't work out on a regular basis (lately, not at all) and as a result, my journey will take longer, but that's fine with me.

I've also had a nasty eye infection, but it's feeling better, at least I can see better now....thanks for the well wishes.

Back to logging in my meals and blogging on a regular basis is what will help see me through as I've decided to be more diligent about that too.

Enjoy this rainy day, the sun is going to make a grand entrance any day now ;)


Looking Back.. Looking Forward

So, yesterday was my first 'normal' work day in 4 months.. if you can call it that. I taught the first class based on all the development work we've been doing to prepare since January. It went well, but, I forgot how much 'teaching' for 8 hours a day takes out of you. I was wiped-out by the end of the day.

Looking back, I am quite pleased with the progress I have made on this journey. I am so much better physically. As a matter of fact, my doctor told me that by January, if I keep up the weight loss, I may be able to come off the Type II Diabetes medication all together. My A1C and Blood sugar levels were excellent at my last visit (about a week ago).

Looking forward, I am excited about what's next. I will continue to stay on this journey until I achieve all that I want to achieve. I have made a decision to not be as 'militant' about the trip, give myself permission (ONLY ONCE IN A WHILE) to have a few more carbs than I would normally. I don't think at this point my path is about deprivation, but control. If this slows my progress, I don't care, because I know I am in control and I know I am still headed in the right direction.

I also know when I do finally reach my goal, that I have to be 'in control', and this shift will help me to prepare for that.

I feel good, I'm doing great and I'm excited to see what is next!

I hope to be blogging more regularly now that I can say that my schedule is somewhat back to normal. Thank you to all of our regular readers/posters for sticking with us, on this trip of a lifetime!


Back soon!!

My life is finally getting back to normal... work will be slowing down next week. I'll be on this weekend to blog and will be back more often now! I've been doing well, and am at 110 pounds lost.


Back in the Groove

I am back on track and feeling better emotionally and physically. It only takes a little back slide to make me feel hopeless sometimes and I hate that, I have to keep in mind that some deviation is not the ruination of all my effort. I simply climb back on board and start sailing again....I'll be coasting before you know it!

I miss Don.


Bad Weekend...

...didn't stay on plan but I am back on track today.

On a lighter note, Stephanie lost almost 10 lbs. in one week...go Steph!

This is a bad time for me, I have a million things going on at once and not all are good. I am not making excuses, simply explaining.

I am looking forward to climbing back on board and keeping my eye on the prize. Have a great week.


It's Baby Day...

Well, everyone has off from school and work today, and we have a very special visitor...A friend of Gina's (my daughter) and her new baby girl are coming over this afternoon and tonight I am visiting my brand new (she was born on 10/09) grand niece, Sienna. It's so good to have all this new life around us, and considering all the heartache and loss we've had lately, we sure could use a reason to celebrate.

I am doing well and staying the course. Feeling my best and even my heel is feeling better, so I am going to be more diligent when it comes to working out. Beginning this week, Gina and I will start a program and work it out after dinner, even if it just takes 40 minutes of our time each day, it will be a huge help in my progress.

I'll keep you all updated. Thank you, means a lot to know you read and keep up with our progress. Have a wonderful week all!


Trying to be like a DUCK...

Hi all. It's been a while since I last posted. I am still on plan and dedicated to this journey, I just haven't had a moment to myself to get in here and post. In 2 weeks, my big project at work which I have been working on all summer, is due. I have been working 12, 13 and sometimes 14 hours a day at work to get where we need to be, and it has left time for almost nothing else. I'm happy and proud of all we (the team) has accomplished, but it has really dug into my time. We start the second phase of this project (the training phase) on the 26th of this month, when I will hopefully be going back to a more normal (10 hour day) schedule.

About this journey.. I feel great. I see pictures of myself from last year and I don't even recognize who I was back then. With my new lifestyle and my new routines so ingrained in me now, I can't even remember what it was that allowed me to get to that bad place. I do remember when I would think 'I wish I was able to do more... I wish I wasn't so damn useless...', and guess what... I don't have to wish anymore. I still have a significant amount of weight to loose, but over one hundred pounds of it is now gone, and I do feel better, I can do more, I have more energy, and most importantly... I am not depressed or wishing any more.. I doing.. I'm achieving.. I'm succeeding!

Thanks for continuing to monitor our progress, Thank you, Sunny Girl for keeping the blog going while my schedule is so crazy. Once things get back to normal in my life, I'll be back to blogging more often. For now, know that I am doing well, I am as dedicated as ever to this journey and this process.


The Village is Growing...

...even if we can't see it.

I spoke to a friend's daughter the other day, she saw that I had lost the weight and wanted to know how she could do it. I was only too happy to point her in the right direction. We spent some time on the phone, going over some do's and don't's and she took a long look at our blog, meal plans, and weight loss chart and decided this was the way to go. She doesn't have a lot to lose, but when you feel uncomfortable carrying an extra 5, 10 or 15 lbs., it can be just as daunting as having to lose a hundred (or so I am told) so I'm sure she'll do it. Younger people (she's only 23) have a much easier time of it too, which is a wonderful thing.

I spoke to her mom yesterday (an avid reader of this blog) and she told me she's done her shopping and has already begun the journey. Another important note...She also works out 4 days a week, so this journey should be a cinch for her ;) Kudos to her for trying something different.

I'm wishing Stephanie all the best, I can't wait to hear about her progress. Now if I can just get her to join the some reason, people seem to have a hard time navigating around this blog. I know of a few people who read all the time, but can't comment because they are at work or simply don't have the time to figure it out.

It's OK.....We're not flying solo and we know it! We have the support of some wonderful family and friends. Thanks to all of you and have a fantastic Wednesday!....Sunny :^)


Inspirational Quote

Without the Fog

I woke to a cool, crisp morning, with just a touch of fog. I thought it was the perfect setting to sit and write this, since it is indicative of the way I've always felt. I'm going to try to put that into words...I feel like I am just that, cool and crisp like a new autumn day. I feel new and very different. The fog? was just that little something that was in the way of feeling altogether clear.

My weight issue was the one thing that got in the way of feeling clear. It was always there. But now that I'm doing something about it, it doesn't get in my way anymore. This road is getting easier to handle and the fog is lifting more and more with every passing day. I can actually see a brighter day, where once, that wasn't possible. I never realized how depressed the extra pounds were making me feel. Oh I put on a happy face, but now I don't have to, it is who I am. I was on a path of utter destruction....maybe I felt like I didn't deserve to feel clear and crisp, I don't know. All I know is this handle I have on it now, is making me happier than I've been in years.

I'm seeing things in new and different ways and I am loving it. I know that fog is lifting, and I have become the me I always was down under it all and I see beauty in everything now, even myself. A bright new day, without the fog.

In the time it took me to write this, the fog lifted. :)

Enjoy your Sunday....Sunny


She's Back

Had a great time in Wildwood, I hope to go back in a few months. It's good to be treated like royalty and so good to feel so loved. I stayed on plan and enjoyed every minute of it.

Sorry to hear about Amy, Don, I know she'll be missed, but she'll be loved forever.

Have a great weekend everyone.


Our Amy...

... we will miss her dearly. She was a part of our family for over 19 years, our first pet. She loved us faithfully, tolerated additions to the family with grace and style, all be it with reluctant acceptance. She taught us what it was to love and be loved unconditionally.


Milestones.. they're a great thing...

Hi all...

Check out my weigh-in today... I am at 103 pounds lost. I lost 13 pound this period, which was 30 days this time, not the usual 15, because I was on vacation at the last weigh-in date.

I past the 100 pound mark, and couldn't be happier. It's a real milestone for me. I have never lost this much in my life. I am very proud and happy, and my life has change so immensely. It's early, and I have to get to work, but I wanted to do a quick post so that you all would know how wonderful I feel. I could just... bust!

Sunny will send me her weight and I will update her chart tonight... have a great day all..


Spiritual Insight

A Trip 'n Fall ;)

First let me say, welcome back, Peggy and I hope you had a wonderful vacation. I liked your comment on the 'Thought for Today' blog so much, that I'll be back to read it over and over again. Thank you so much.

I'm having a great week. I feel upbeat and very happy right now...I do believe I'm on a losing streak! I don't know for sure because I haven't weighed, I really didn't want to know until now. I felt too good, I felt thinner, and I feel healthier than I ever have and I didn't want to be brought down emotionally. I will weigh tomorrow though, it's time.

Now about my trip... I'm going to a friend's house, she lives at the Jersey shore in Wildwood. The weather's been chilly here and although it's not beach weather, I will definitely take that walk and hang out a little bit, maybe even dip my feet in it. As you may or may not know, being near the ocean always soothes me, it's like a healing thing for me that has deep roots going way back into my childhood...let's just say, it's very good for my soul and we could all use a little soul food.

This will be just a little get-away time, I'll be leaving tomorrow and I return on Friday, a very short and sweet trip. I've been getting some things together, like eggs, half and half and splenda (for my coffee) and I'm bringing some steaks, I just have to get my fresh salad greens and fixings and some sugar free Jello tomorrow and I will be all set.

Wishing you a great rest of the week and I'll see you back here sometime Friday! :)


Thought For Today...

The future gets brighter ... every single day!

This journey, up to now, has been so uplifting. It continues to drive me to success. Today was a good day (Sunday)... I stayed on plan as usual, and got to the gym.

I again had to go out and buy more clothes for work. All of my shirts are hanging off of me, so I bit the bullet and got some new ones. It was a great feeling. Saturday we went to a BBQ with friends we haven't seen since the holidays last year. Four different couples all were stunned at how different I looked, and every time they 'marveled' over my loss, I felt so proud and happy.

One of my friends there said, "The difficult part will come when people stop noticing, stop praising you for your accomplishments". I understood where she was coming from, but, at the same time, I'm not in this for the praise, and although it goes a long way to motivating me, it is not what 'sustains' me. My inner pride in my accomplishments, my new control and my dedication to my own journey.. is what keeps me on track, and will keep me there for the rest of my life. The rest.... well.... it's just gravy~!


Sunny Says...

...My very busy weekend turned out to be a lot of fun. I got to see family today that I don't normally see and I spent the day yesterday with some wonderful friends.

Staying on the weight loss journey's been a cinch lately, especially since I stopped fretting over the weight loss stall. I know I'm losing, so I don't even bother to weigh, unless of course it's weigh in time which is (typically) the 1st and last day of the month. Weighing brings me down when I'm stalled and I'm not letting anything hamper my progress. I just keep pushin'.

I went to a memorial for a friend of mine yesterday, it quickly turned into a celebration of her life and a little sad at first, but it became a day full of joy. The food was plentiful and some was not on plan, but these incredible people who are always accommodating and thoughtful of me, know that I can't have certain things, so they always make sure that I have a variety of things from the menu to choose from that are on my plan as well.

Today was spent at baby shower for my niece and I just stayed true, I know what's expected of me, and by me now and I eat accordingly. I don't feel deprived because I've learned to enjoy what I can have, which is key.

I am getting more and more positive feed back about the progress of my weight loss and that always feels good, but what feels even better is that I am feeling positive about staying on course and being true to my goal.

I am very happy that we have some new readers, as I always enjoy getting different views from their comments and visiting their pages as well. The support is greatly appreciated!

Wishing you all an amazing week ahead...~Sunny

Who's Who?

Hi all...

I thought I'd write this because we have had some new followers join who may not have visited or commented on the blog circuit before. Recently a follower thought I had written a post which was actually written by Sunny Girl, my cousin who is on this journey with me and has done wonderfully!

It's pretty easy to tell who has written a post. Just look at the bottom of each post and you will see either 'Shared by Sunny Girl, or Shared by Don. Also, if you have never 'commented' on a blog before, just click on the ''comments' link just to the right of 'shared by...' and a window will open for you to write us a comment.

Thanks for all who follow, our blog keeps growing and we love all the comments and support you each bring. Thanks for joining, all you new followers, including Gene and Shana, and KJ and Michelle.


Update... Doing Great..

Hi all...
The first week back from vacation was rather crazy. I'm back on 60 hour weeks, but for only 3 more weeks. The project is coming to a conclusion, and I'll be glad to be back to regular hours.

I went to the gym only once this week, but I've been on plan with my meals all week. We're going to some friends for a BBQ today and I grilled chicken and veggies (eggplant, squash, onions, peppers and portobello mushrooms) to make absolutely sure I have something for myself on plan.

Once my schedule gets back to normal, I'll post more often. This lifestyle has really become 'part of my life' now. I don't even have to think about what I need to do. I've changed so many aspects of my life in this regard, and I am so much better for it...

Life is good!!


Dedication and Confidence

I had lunch with a an old friend of mine a few days ago, who was aware that I'd taken this journey some months back and at first it was a pleasant conversation. We talked about kids, husbands, politics, funds and a lack thereof, we just talked about life in general.

I purposely didn't mention my weight loss or anything about dieting because I was sensitive to the fact that she has gained a serious amount of weight in the past couple of years. Then she hit me with this question... "So are you still obsessed with this weight loss/no carb thing?" I could feel my temperature rising, I could almost smell blood. I was enraged, I was so incensed that I wanted to ring her neck!! Obsessed??? I kept my cool, and I said something I normally would never say to anyone for fear of hurting their feelings. But damnit, I thought....she wasn't sensitive to mine! I looked her dead in the eyes and said, "Obsessed is just a word that lazy people use to describe the dedicated, so to you, yes, I'm obsessed, but you really should work on that laziness, so you can see it for what it is."

I think my face must have been red or something, because she immediately said, "Wow, OK...take it easy." I retorted and I won't go into detail about the rest of the conversation, but I knew I got my point across loud and clear when she apologized.

The thing is, my original retort was so out of character for the me that I used to be. I think I finally got tired of taking hits for being dedicated (this isn't the first time I've heard the word 'possessed' in relation to my dieting) to something that will only enhance my life, and to have someone attack me for possessing dedication, really pissed me off this time instead of making me question myself (which I will never do again.) I know I'm not obsessed...dedicated is what I am.

I couldn't help but think that turning 50 has brought me into my own, as has this diet. I am truly empowered by being so dedicated and I will defend it to the end. There is a certain self-confidence that I feel now, as opposed to my 30's and 40's, a peace of mind that comes from the dedication I have, a knowing. I won't let anyone sabotage my mind, my diet or the certainty of who I am. Not anymore.

The upcoming weekend will be a busy one, I have a memorial dinner tomorrow and a baby shower on Sunday. I will come back to blog though, as neither of these things is an excuse for laziness ;)


Good News and Bad...

The bad news first......It was not a good day for me yesterday. I did everything right until lunch time, which came late and I wasn't prepared. I could have made an egg or opened a can of tuna...I could have done a lot of things, but I chose the easy route and had a breaded chicken cutlet for lunch
:( not good.

Then, to make matters worse, I had a huge spoon full of peanut butter last night...sigh...It's definitely time to shop for some better choice foods and the good news is, today will be a better day.



...I can actually sit down and write my blog. I've been crazy busy doing things that need doing this time of year. Most people get crazy doing their spring cleaning, I do Autumn cleaning and cleaning out.

Gina's new job is working out really great and my son is doing an amazing job at being a junior. I'm doing a great job at staying healthy and moving more body parts than I've moved in some time. There are days when I want to throw it all to hell and pick up a piece of pizza, but I don't do it. I'm getting closer to 200 than 300 lbs. now and it's a great feeling. I haven't been down this low in about 7 years, which means, I took off in 6 months what it took me 7 years to put on. Yeah, that feels better than great, it's exhilarating! It actually makes me look forward to another omelet!

Enjoy your Wednesday!


Long Days.. Short nights...

I just got in from the gym. I had a good day on plan. They had a pizza party at work today, and I had a nice chicken salad with jalapeno ranch dressing.

I feel very good day. I felt great all day. A vacation can really make a difference in my energy level. I am being constantly praise for the loss of weight by my co-workers. It's really cool and is great support.

I just wanted to get on and blog a bit to let you know I'm doing ok.


Back in the Saddle again...

It's funny how quickly we roll back into our routines.

Today was my first day back to work after vacation. The world didn't stop revolving just because I was away. Everyone asked how the trip was, and I just spouted off about how different it was from the last time we cruised.

The long work hours are back for at least another 3 or 4 weeks, but, I am recharged and ready. I am right back on the road. I went to the gym yesterday and will go again after work tomorrow.

So, I'm back in the saddle again.. and heading down the road, ready for what comes.. ready to continue the journey... ready for more change. Care to come along for the ride?


My Meals on the Cruise

I took pictures of almost all of my meals that I had on the cruise. I wanted to document that I stayed on plan. I created 5 minute video clip on YouTube. Check it out:

Energized and ready!

Thanks, Sunny Girl, for keeping the blog going while I was gone.. and Congratulations on your weight loss!

I am back! I am energized and ready to keep going down this road to success. I missed being able to blog, but I surely did have a nice, relaxing vacation. The cruise was just great!

I have pictures of most of my meals which I will post on the meals page. My choices were great and the Disney chefs did excellent curtailing my meals to meet my requirements. I ate good protein and lots of dark green veggies and salads.

As I said in the last post, I did make the choice to have a 'few carbs' more than I normally would for 1 meal in Palo's fine dining restaurant. I will post the pictures of that meal as well. I had 1 roll, a small slice of pizza (which had a cracker crust), and a small desert. I did not overeat at all.

I actually lost 1 pound while on the cruise, which, IS A FIRST for me. Usually a cruise would net a 5 to 10 pound gain.

What was most exciting about this trip was my 'attitude'. Previous trips were all about what I couldn't do. I was too fat to walk far, to tired to do anything physical, to embarrassed to try to do certain things... This trip was all about what I could do. I could walk around the ship without feeling tired. I could go off the ship and into the port towns. I could fit in the dining room chairs, deck chairs and all the other places which were previously uncomfortable. Most of all, I wasn't constantly 'thinking' about how my weight was limiting my fun, because IT WASN'T limiting me, at all.

As I said in the post just as I was leaving... I had been preparing for this moment for 6 months, and let me tell you something.. it was well worth the work and effort! It was a fantastic feeling not to be limited, not one bit limited!

On the cruise we made some new friends, and also a new low-carber compatriot, who himself has lost a significant amount of weight. Thanks for joining our blog as a follower, Gene!

I will be doing some video montages of the trip over the next few weeks and posting them on the 'video blog' section of this blog.

I'm energized and ready for the next stretch! I will do a formal weigh-in at the end of the month. I am back to my 60 hour weeks tomorrow, but am going to grocery shop and go to the gym today. Thanks for your continued support and comments, all of you in our village of followers!


All Good Things....

...must eventually come to an end!

First, Happy belated Birthday, Sunny Girl. I missed you, and am sorry I wasn't there to send the wishes in Monday!

We're back in port in Orlando, waiting to have breakfast and then disembark the Disney Magic ship. It has been a wonderful cruise! I got plenty of relaxation and am re-energized.

I'll be blogging and posting pictures within the next dew days.

I did excellent on plan while on the ship! I took pictures of almost all of my meals and will post them on the meals page.

I did decide to endulge (but not overendulge) at only ONE meal, which was celebrating our 15th anniversary. It was a concious decision which I do not regret one bit! After 6 months of no off plan decisions, it was nice to make the choice to have this celebration with no guilt. It WAS worth every bite, and I was right back on plan at the next meal, ready to go for another streatch down the road!

More when I get home!


Autumn Energy

Autumn is my favorite time of year and this one is no exception. I am feeling so energized, so alive and awake, it's even hard for me to sleep in lately. Being back on the losing track only adds to the energy I feel.

I've realized that sodium has played a part in my weight loss 'stall' and I am staying away from anything salty... I was eating slim jims because they were convenient and cheap, but the sodium was hampering my progress. I am prone to water retention, as many are, and water pills are not an option for me, so says my doctor. I was also munching sunflower seeds to curb my smoking, it helped, but I am now realizing that they are way too salty and I am now looking for unsalted ones. I came to this conclusion after speaking with my doctor and he recommended that I halt the salt and bump up the exercise which I have done as well...working my upper body (and some lower as well) has begun to work. My weight loss is on the rise and I couldn't be happier. I want so badly to be closer to 200 than 300...I can feel it happening for me finally and it feels so good!

Looking forward to hearing from Don, his trip is nearing the end of it's ride and I am missing his inspiration.

Have a wonderful weekend, friends.


Chillin' Today....

I am finally doing nothing.

I've been very busy celebrating my birthday with my incredible family and some wonderful friends, it began on Sunday and continued straight through to yesterday (my actual birthday was Monday ;)

To be surrounded by so much love was just heartwarming, the hugs alone were worth turning 50. Friends had me to mom took me to lunch and people stopped by, bearing gifts and birthday cakes, of which I had NONE! I had planned on having a piece before my birthday arrived, but I stayed true and feel so much better than I know I would have felt if I'd had it. I'm going to update my weight loss... it's now 3 more pounds lost!!! If would've had that cake, that would never have kudos to me! is chillin' time and I am doing just that. Been doodling around on the Internet and reading some blogs and thinking, "Wow, I am soooo not alone on this journey!" So many women and men are struggling with weight issues, and it's very comforting to know that we're in this together. Here's to more losses ;)!!!

Wish I was on that cruise with Don today....I think that's what I will ask for, for my 51st ... *smile*


Happy Birthday...

... Toooooooooooooooo Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Down 2 pounds....I have officially lost 51 pounds total, I am 50 today, and I'm a happy woman!


Last quicky before we are off

We are on the ship and I cheched the internet prices .... No way I'm paying the fee, so no blogging on the ship. Bon voyage my friends!!!

Another milestone

On the my seat.....NO.Seatbelt extenders required!!!!

Update... We're in Florida at the Orlando airport. Free internet and 3 hours till we can get on the bus to go to the ship. I was so thrilled that I could actually give back the seat belt extender to the flight attendant. I automatically asked for it when I got on the plane. The trip is starting out great.

I am posting a VIDEO BLOG that Ed just shot... Check it out.